How to disable back button when a rewarded video ad is displayed?

I am still struggling with good impressions but very less revenue. Currently from one of the older post I found that user skips reward video which fails to complete and as a result, there are impresssions record but no revenue or clicks.

I am eager to know, suppose a rewarded video played. The video completes. But the user instead of tapping the close button that is present at the end image of a rewarded video, used back button on the mobile device to return back to game then will it be considered and will it generate revenue.

And also, I am eager to know is there any way to disable back button on mobile devices.

Please note I have developed apps / games in Unity 5.5f. Developed apps and games are for android platforms only. My developed apps/ games are available at google play store and amazon. And also I am using Admob in my developed apps.

Clicking back button is the same as clicking the close button in end screen, so this is not reason for low revenue. A little bit more information on Frequently asked questions


Clicking back button is the same as clicking the close button in end screen

and you can handle ad close event.

Admob.Instance().videoEventHandler += onInterstitialEvent;
void onInterstitialEvent(string eventName, string msg)
Debug.Log(“handler onAdmobEvent—” + eventName + " " + msg);
if (eventName == AdmobEvent.onAdClosed)
//do some thing

more info

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I faced the problem, that when closing Ad with Back button on Android, it will not trigger onAdClosed event.
In this event I “unpause” game:
private void OnAdClosed(object sender, EventArgs args)
Time.timeScale = 1;

But when using Back button, then game stays with timescale 0, that breaks user experience.
I’m using Unity 2017.3.0 and AdMob 3.11.1

Any ideas how to override this behavior?