How to disable DontDestroyOnLoad on throwables?

Somehow, my interactable and throwable objects are automatically set to “DontDestroyOnLoad” whenever I interact with them (throw, grab, etc). I don’t want these items when a new scene is loaded, and I can’t trace what function in the “Throwable” script calls the “DontDestroyOnLoad” script.

I looked at the Throwable objects in SteamVR’s default “Interactions Example” Scene, and their throwables don’t have the same issue as mine, despite everything in the Inspector looking exactly identical.

Bent head over heels over this issue. Kindly advise.

On the Throwable, check the “restoreOriginalParent” box and make sure the Throwable has a parent.

In \SteamVR\InteractionSystem\Core\Scripts\Hand.cs the parent is set to null if restoreOriginalParent is false or if there is no parent. The Throwable is parented to Hand by default, and because the SteamVR Player that contains Hand exists in the DontDestroyOnLoad Scene, setting the transform.parent to null makes the Throwable a top level object in that scene instead of your original scene.