i want to disable my fire button while i am reloading my gun. I am working on FPS first time.
here is my shooting script need your help Thanks
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PlayerShooting : MonoBehaviour
public int damagePerShot = 20; // The damage inflicted by each bullet.
public float timeBetweenBullets = 0.5f; // The time between each shot.
public float range = 50f; // The distance the gun can fire.
public GameObject bullet;
float timer; // A timer to determine when to fire.
Ray shootRay; // A ray from the gun end forwards.
RaycastHit shootHit; // A raycast hit to get information about what was hit.
int shootableMask; // A layer mask so the raycast only hits things on the shootable layer.
ParticleSystem gunParticles; // Reference to the particle system.
LineRenderer gunLine; // Reference to the line renderer.
AudioSource gunAudio; // Reference to the audio source.
Light gunLight; // Reference to the light component.
float effectsDisplayTime = 0.2f; // The proportion of the timeBetweenBullets that the effects will display for.
Text bullettesxt;
public GameObject bullets;
public int negative= 0;
public int positive = 0;
public int totalBullets;
public GameObject reloader;
AudioSource reloadAudio;
void Update()
bullettesxt = bullets.GetComponent<Text> ();
bullettesxt.text = "Count: "+ count.ToString()+"/"+totalBullets.ToString();
void Awake ()
// Create a layer mask for the Shootable layer.
shootableMask = LayerMask.GetMask ("Shootable");
// Set up the references.
gunParticles = GetComponent<ParticleSystem> ();
gunLine = GetComponent<LineRenderer> ();
gunAudio = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
reloadAudio = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
gunLight = GetComponent<Light> ();
public int count = 0;
public void shooting()
timer += Time.deltaTime;
// If the Fire1 button is being press and it's time to fire...
if(Input.GetButton ("Fire1") && count > 0 && timer >= timeBetweenBullets)
//if( timer >= timeBetweenBullets)
// ... shoot the gun.
Shoot ();
//countBullet= count;
negative = count ;
// If the timer has exceeded the proportion of timeBetweenBullets that the effects should be displayed for...
if(timer >= timeBetweenBullets * effectsDisplayTime)
// ... disable the effects.
DisableEffects ();
public void Reload ()
//yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
if (totalBullets > 0)
//yield return new WaitForSeconds (3.0);
positive = 30 - negative;
totalBullets = totalBullets - (positive / 2);
count = 30;
public void displayBullet()
//bullets.text = "Bullet" + a;
totalBullets = count;
public void DisableEffects ()
// Disable the line renderer and the light.
gunLine.enabled = false;
gunLight.enabled = false;
void Shoot ()
// Reset the timer.
timer = 0f;
// Play the gun shot audioclip.
// Enable the light.
gunLight.enabled = true;
// Stop the particles from playing if they were, then start the particles.
gunParticles.Stop ();
gunParticles.Play ();
// Enable the line renderer and set it's first position to be the end of the gun.
gunLine.enabled = true;
gunLine.SetPosition (0, transform.position);
// Set the shootRay so that it starts at the end of the gun and points forward from the barrel.
shootRay.origin = transform.position;
shootRay.direction = transform.forward;
// Perform the raycast against gameobjects on the shootable layer and if it hits something...
if(Physics.Raycast (shootRay, out shootHit, range, shootableMask))
// Try and find an EnemyHealth script on the gameobject hit.
EnemyHealth enemyHealth = shootHit.collider.GetComponent <EnemyHealth> ();
// If the EnemyHealth component exist...
if(enemyHealth != null)
// // ... the enemy should take damage.
enemyHealth.TakeDamage (damagePerShot, shootHit.point);
// Set the second position of the line renderer to the point the raycast hit.
gunLine.SetPosition (1, shootHit.point);
// If the raycast didn't hit anything on the shootable layer...
// ... set the second position of the line renderer to the fullest extent of the gun's range.
gunLine.SetPosition (1, shootRay.origin + shootRay.direction * range);