How to disable prefab mode

I have really been giving the new work flow for prefabs a go for quite some time and I really dislike it. I mostly work in 2D so maybe it makes more sense in 3D. Here is two quick problems I encounter off the top of my head:
I want to edit the prefabs in the scene to see how they look.
I want to edit a prefab with another prefab next to it to see how it compares to that prefab, often in the scene.

The simple fix is just unpack the prefab and make it a new one after but I guess I’m just confused to why the old work flow was changed when it worked so well. Does anyone else agree with this or am I alone? Do people actually want to create prefabs in a different view with no environment around for perspective? So how can I disable prefab mode?

The old prefab edit just seemed far more intuitive to me, or at least the way I work.


In the scene, you could duplicate a prefab’s instance. Modify it within the scene. You can keep the current prefab nearby for comparison or activate/deactivate them in the same spot. Then, when you’re satisfied with your changes to the duplicate, apply the overrides to the original prefab. Your within-scene experiment, safely tested on the duplicate, is now the standard prefab.

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That’s a great idea. Thanks for that