Hi guys, I’ve been working on Unity for a few years now. I’m having an Issue with meta files. I’m well aware that those metas are used by unity for versioning. But I’m having several problems with how Unity seems to handle those.
Long story short, I develop C# scripts that I build to dlls using Visual Studio through TeamCity (continuous integration system) and sometimes, for some reason Teamcity has lots of troubles rebuilding my scene because everything is messed up when it opens Unity which won’t load any of my dlls anymore (or sometimes it will only load some random dlls).
For the moment, my solution is to delete the following local folders & files on the build agent:
- Library/ScriptAssemblies
- Library/assetDatabase3
- Library/guidmapper
I’m giving you the precise context of my current problem even though I’ve already had the same Issue localy on my HD after having replaced only a few dlls by others (without adding or removing anything in my Asset folder and without touching to any meta file). Thing is, I’m starting to have heavier and heavier projects to manage. The time taken by Unity to reconstruct those files at each build is growing and it’s slowly getting a real production problem for me.
So my question is : Is there a way to disable the versioning control system or in Unity4.3 ? I’m currently using SVN to version my work and I would like to be the only responsible of possible mistakes I make with SVN or whatever versioning system I use. I’m really having loads and loads of troubles with those metas (I got even more troubles when someone in my team forgets to add his meta with any new file he adds to the project). I know there was an option in earlier versions but I can’t find it anymore. (I looked at Edit=> Editor Settings => Version Control but it doesn’t seem I can disable it anymore)
I don’t just want to hide those meta files. If possible, I really would like Unity to keep my folders as clean as possible and stop using those files.