How to disable WeaponCamera but still have the Sniper script active?

I have a WeaponCamera, that is a parent to WeaponHolder, which is a parent to the sniper rifle. The script, when RMB is pressed, the WeaponCamera is set to false. Obviously, this would make everything a child to it, stop running. When I release RMB, the ScopeOverlay stays active, and the WeaponCamera stays deactivated, etc. How would I make it so that when OnScoped is true, the script of ‘Sniper’ is still active, but the weapon itself isn’t?(so it does’t show up in the scopeOverlay)

public GameObject scopeOverlay; 
public GameObject WeaponCamera;
public float overlayDelay = .15f; 
public float ScopeZoom = 15f; 

void UnScoped () {
		scopeOverlay.SetActive (false); 
		mainCamera.fieldOfView = 60f; 
		WeaponCamera.SetActive (true);

	IEnumerator OnScoped () {
		yield return new WaitForSeconds (overlayDelay); 
		yield return new WaitForSeconds (.02f);
		scopeOverlay.SetActive (true); 
		WeaponCamera.SetActive (false);
		mainCamera.fieldOfView = ScopeZoom;


you could try disabling the camera component
by referencing the camera component
camera = getComponent();
and then
camera.enabled = false;