How to display all item names from the list in gui?

Here’s my code:

for (int i = blueTeamPlayers.Count - 1;i <= blueTeamPlayers.Count-1; i--) {
				GUI.Box (new Rect (Screen.width / 1.95f,Screen.height / 2.65f - blueTeamPlayers.Count * -5f, 150, 30), blueTeamPlayers *);*
  •  	}*

The problem is, it just spams all the names on each other, but i want them to go vertically down.
Any idea how to fix that? Thx.

The problem is the first second parameter on the rect needs to vary per loop basis:

var distanceFactor = 5f; //adjust this as you may need
for (int i = blueTeamPlayers.Count - 1;i <= blueTeamPlayers.Count-1; i--) {
                 GUI.Box (new Rect (Screen.width / 1.95f, (Screen.height / (2.65f - blueTeamPlayers.Count * (distanceFactor * i))), 150, 30), blueTeamPlayers *);*
