How to display counter

I have this code which makes a counter, that adds 1 to an integer every 30 minute. Now i would like to display this counter in my main menu scene so that you can see how much time there is to next “energy”, how would i do this ?

Here is the code.

 static var energyObj : int = 5;
    var counter : float;

    function Update () {
     counter += Time.deltaTime;
     if(counter > 1800){
     	energyObj += 1;
    	counter = 0.0;
    	Debug.Log("Energy is " + energyObj); 

If you wanted to to display how much energy they have.

/* String Content example */

// JavaScript
function OnGUI () {
	GUI.Label (Rect (0,0,100,50), "You have: " + energyObj + " Energy");

// C#
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {

	void OnGUI () {
		GUI.Label (new Rect (0,0,100,50), "You have: " + energyObj + " Energy");


If you wanted to display the time on the counter

I would change your script so that it’s counting down, not up. Because you know, that’s how it normally is with cooldowns. EX:

var counter: float;

function Start()
counter = 1800;

function Update () {
     counter -= Time.deltaTime;
     if(counter <= 0){
        energyObj += 1;
        counter = 1800;
        Debug.Log("Energy is " + energyObj); 

And to display that:

 /* String Content example */
    // JavaScript
    function OnGUI () {
    	GUI.Label (Rect (0,0,100,50), "Time left: " + counter);
    // C#
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour {
    	void OnGUI () {
    		GUI.Label (new Rect (0,0,100,50), "Time left:  " + counter);

This is pretty much taken word for word from:

It’s a very informative resource and will probably answer most of your display (GUI) questions! :smiley: Hope this helps.