how to display empty game object in the editor?

I use empty game objects as reference points, but I find it really hard to position them in the editor because they are invisible.

Is it possible to display empty objects in the editor similar to for example how maya displays locators?

I prefer to use the Editor’s own option for this, just click the icon dropdown in the Inspector and pick an icon to display (like a dot or diamond). Unity Tips - Unity Learn

You just need to select them in the Hierarchy first. If that's not good enough for you, you can make them display some kind of Gizmo or Handle constantly.

You could use Gizmos to draw e.g. a Sphere at the position of an empty GameObject.

but you could also just move the camera around with the alt key then (well I) you can see the position better.

Came across this while looking for myself
So here is my solution (drag and drop script onto game object empty)

using UnityEngine;

public class GizmoSphere : MonoBehaviour {
    void OnDrawGizmosSelected() {
        Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(transform.position, 2);

i was face same problem. after googling i got the solution.
you can see the video to solve the issue :