How to display final game over score in Another scene

Hello and thank you for attention, you are lovely.

My game: quick explanation
So I have scene where a space ship moves left and right, and it has to avoid asteroids, for the score I use Time .deltatime as if, this is how much my ship travelled without getting hit. ( but my ship is in one position the asteroids are spamming and moving at the ship).

I have a “menu”, “level1” and “End” scenes.

I have no idea how to send the currentScore to the “end” scene when the score count stopped.
I’ve tried set Float and get Float, but I’m just not there yet and its Time.Deltatime not just integer.
Please help me as it is the Last step in my game and I just want to get something finished in my Live.
I can get you more info if needed.

I need the score to be able to move to “end” scene and reset on a new game.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Score : MonoBehaviour
    [Header ("Component")]
    public TextMeshProUGUI scoreText;

    [Header(" Setting")]
    public float currentScore;

    bool stopScore = false;

    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (stopScore == false)
        currentScore = currentScore = currentScore + 5 * Time.deltaTime;


    public void SetScoreText()
        scoreText.text = Mathf.Round(currentScore).ToString();

    public void StartScore()
        stopScore = false;

    public void StopScore()
        stopScore = true;

Keeping in mind that I am a beginner and fairly new to C#

There are a few ways to allow data to persist between scenes, including

Static values

Which of those sounds most familiar from your course?

You could simplify this even further by putting all this stuff into one scene. Like a canvas for the menu, one for the game and one for the end stuff or something like that. You could then just create a generic manager that toggles them on/off based on what the user does.

For example, by default have menu canvas active and game/end inactive. Press the play button which then sets menu canvas to inactive and game to active, then same for end - on game/round over, hide that object and show the end object/canvas.

If this sounds like a PITA, I’d suggest looking into singletons / don’t destroy on load like was previously mentioned. Then basically from any scene you can access Singleton.Instance.Score