In my game I have to display some text on a gameobject. Currently I am just trying to get it to work, but I can’t. Let’s say I want to display a single letter on a series of cubes/squares. How can I do this? I have tried creating a prefab “square” and added a default cube to it. Then I tried to add a component GUIText, which did nothing as well as a text mesh which also did nothing.
This depends on what purpose you want it for. You could just simply make a normal cube, and a 3D text. Move the text so that it is positioned in front of the cube the way you want it. Then make the text a child object of the cube by dragging it inside the cube (in the hierarchy panel).
Another way would be just to create a texture for the cube which has text in it
So, if this won’t help please specify what are you going to use it for! (2D? 3D? Is it stationary or is it supposed to move?)