Im trying to create an inventory system but im not having to much success. Im trying to figure out how to add a texture to an already created button if a variable is true. Can anyone help? Here is my code for opening the inventory:
var Inventory = new Array();
var emptySlot : Texture;
var showInventory = false;
var ex1 : float = 2.8;
var why1 : float = 5.8;
var exBig : float = 200;
var whyBig : float = 200;
var ex2 : float = 2.8;
var why2 : float = 5.8;
var sword = false;
var swordTexture : Texture;
function Update ()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(""))
sword = true;
function OnGUI ()
if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width-100, Screen.height/2-50, 100, 100), emptySlot))
if (!showInventory)
showInventory = true;
showInventory = false;
if (showInventory)
GUI.Box(Rect(Screen.width/ex1, Screen.height/why1, exBig, whyBig), "Inventory");
for (var x=1; x<6; x++)
for (var y=1; y<6; y++)
if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/ex2+x*50, Screen.height/why2+y*50, 50, 50), emptySlot))
Is there a way to where if sword = true then it shows the sword texture in the first open slot?