How to display textures that are in an array?

Im trying to create an inventory system but im not having to much success. Im trying to figure out how to add a texture to an already created button if a variable is true. Can anyone help? Here is my code for opening the inventory:

var Inventory = new Array();

var emptySlot : Texture;
var showInventory = false;

var ex1 : float = 2.8;
var why1 : float = 5.8;
var exBig : float = 200;
var whyBig : float = 200;

var ex2 : float = 2.8;
var why2 : float = 5.8;

var sword = false;
var swordTexture : Texture;

function Update () 
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(""))
            sword = true;

function OnGUI ()
	if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width-100, Screen.height/2-50, 100, 100), emptySlot))
		if (!showInventory)
			showInventory = true;
			showInventory = false;
	if (showInventory)
		GUI.Box(Rect(Screen.width/ex1, Screen.height/why1, exBig, whyBig), "Inventory");
		for (var x=1; x<6; x++)
			for (var y=1; y<6; y++)
				if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/ex2+x*50, Screen.height/why2+y*50, 50, 50), emptySlot))

Is there a way to where if sword = true then it shows the sword texture in the first open slot?

If your only problem is displaying and selecting the correct texture, this should solve it:

//In your nested for loops
GUI.Button(Rect(/*your rect*/),  Inventory[x][y]); // if Inventory contains textures

//If your inventory contains texture indexes and you have a list for textures
GUI.Button(Rect(/*your rect*/), Textures[Inventory[x][y]];

Remember that there are so many ways you could make an inventory for any game. It’s hard to say specifically with the information give, but this should provide at least a hint as to what you should do

Hope this helps,