So this is a very simple health code that I wrote, and is being very problematic
I am new to javascript, so please try and talk me through it
This is what I have so far-
static var Healthlevel = 100;
var Enemy : Rigidbody;
var Damagenumber = 30;
void; OnCollisionEnter(); {
if( = Enemy)
Healthlevel - Damagenumber = Healthlevel;
if (Healthlevel < 0)
This is what I did with a few videos off youtube, since I just transferred over from the anglescript language…
This is kinda urgent, so please help any you can!
Your issues here were basic language mistakes. You may want to study the programming language syntax moving forward. If you double click on the error in the Console window in Unity, it will highlight the error in Mono. I’ve commented the changes I made.
static var Healthlevel = 100;
var Enemy : Rigidbody;
var Damagenumber = 30;
function OnCollisionEnter(other : Collision) { // Removed ';' changed 'void;' to 'function' added 'other : Collision'
if( == "Enemy") // Changed to '==' and put "Enemy" in quotes to make it a string
Healthlevel = Healthlevel - Damagenumber; // Reworked line
if (Healthlevel < 0)