How to do effects like muzzleflash but in full 3D -without- billboarding

Hello Everyone,

There are no shortage of tutorials and resources available to show how to do various particle effects for things like muzzleflash.

But, How would I make the same or similar effect that appears differently depending on the angle it is viewed

I’m thinking a full 3D object, but am not sure at all how to go about learning about this.


Do you have any reference/example how it should look?

Or could just use particles?

Or if you have 2D sprite animation for the effect,
can place multiple planes to see it from different angles,

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Muzzle flashes in full 3D will require volume rendering which is strictly advanced, hw limited and possibly slow to process. I think plenty of billboards will give you volume, as mgear states.

Thanks for the replies!

I’m looking at games like Overwatch, Battleborn and Gigantic.
I love the solid color saturated effects in these games.

mgear, If I understand you correctly is this the effect you are convaying?

I use three double-sided planes. Two are perpendicular to each other in a cross, and one is flat against their “base”. The effect works reasonably well for both first and third person.

basic tricks

model 3 egg shapes, white core normal faces +two others with inverse normals so they act like a stroke (they can just be cheap vertex color objects)
+additive billboard for glow (sort on top)
if you want to get more fancy you put ramps on the models, transparency tricks and soft-edge shaders, post processing, animate the models (fast rotation, deforming shaders, vertex level or “flip-book” meshes)

super cool!

reverse normals, great idea.
I think i learned something like that when investigating cel shading (duplicate,scale and reverse normals)