how to do FirstPersonController, does not move with the keys, else with the mouse?

how to do FirstPersonController, does not move with the keys, else with the mouse?, with a script that I have developed, and collision too operate, because if I add the component of motion and move only with the mouse, FirstPersonController not collides, and I just want to change the current keys for mouse, replace keys, a,s,d,w, and arrows, for only mouse, this is my code. please help me !!!

sing UnityEngine; using System.Collections;

public class MoveFisrtPersonMouse : MonoBehaviour {

public float velocidad = 5;
public float velocityRotation = 0.3f;

private bool move = false;
private float mouseX;
private float mouseY;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update  () {
        move = true;
        mouseX = Input.mousePosition.x;
        mouseY = Input.mousePosition.y;


         mouseX = 0;
         mouseY = 0;

        if(mouseX + 100 < Input.mousePosition.x){
            transform.eulerAngles  = new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x,transform.eulerAngles.y+velocityRotation,transform.eulerAngles.z);
        if(mouseX - 100 > Input.mousePosition.x){
            transform.eulerAngles  = new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x,transform.eulerAngles.y-velocityRotation,transform.eulerAngles.z);
        if(mouseY + 100 < Input.mousePosition.y){
            transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * (Time.deltaTime*velocidad));
        if(mouseY - 100 > Input.mousePosition.y){
            transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * (Time.deltaTime*-velocidad));


Not having looked at your code, it sounds like you could solve this by unassigning the asdf keys in the Input manager and setting up mouse equivalents there too.