How to do this? (HDRP)

ok let me explain, so in my game i have another player model used for shadows so the player can see their shadow.

but when i downloaded hdrp the shader that i used is pink, like it has no material to it or shader.

heres my shader code.

Shader "Invisible/InvisibleShadowCaster" {
SubShader {
Tags {
#pragma surface surf Lambert alpha addshadow

struct Input {
float nothing;

void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
o.Alpha = 0;
FallBack "Diffuse"

i went into shader graph and i tried searching for queue or render type and nothing.
i do not know how do i convert my shader code that i made into shader graph.

Set the renderer’s Cast Shadow mode to Shadows Only. No special shader needed.

The above shader definitely won’t work with the HDRP because it uses an entirely new shader framework, and doesn’t support Surface Shaders at all. The above would have to be implemented using Shader Graph, and while technically possible (though not supported with the default nodes), it’s really not something you should want to do since in the above shader you’re still paying the cost of drawing the invisible thing, even though it’s invisible. Setting the alpha to 0.0 has the same cost as an alpha of 1.0 or anywhere inbetween.

Thanks for telling me, I never seen the cast shadow so i didnt knew i could have done that instead of making a shader