How to download multiple web-pages using WWW.


I know how download one page.
How to download multiple pages?


IEnumerator DownloadCurrent(string date)
    WWW w;
    string url = "http://www" + date;
    w = new WWW(url);

    yield return w = new WWW(url);

    parser(w.text, date);

void start()

Anybody help me))

DownloadCurrent should accept an array of string instead of single string and inside the function you would enclose the whole code inside a foreach:

IEnumerator DownloadCurrent(string[] date)
	foreach (string s in date) {
		WWW w;
		string url = "http://www" + s;
		w = new WWW(url);
		yield return w = new WWW(url);
		parser(w.text, s);

void start()
	StartCoroutine(DownloadCurrent(new string[] {"page1.php", "page2.php"}));

Like @SkaredCreations showed you can simply iterate through an array and load one by one. If you want to load multiple pages simultaneously you have to use either

  • multiple coroutines, one for each download
  • a single coroutine but you start all downloads right in the beginning (store the www objects in a list / array) and then iterate through the array and process them when finished.

Usually the first method is the more flexible as each coroutine runs on it’s own and is finished on it’s own.

void Start()

When using one coroutine there are several ways to handle each download. It’s usually a good idea to wrap the download itself in a seperate class. That way you can bundle the WWW object with the used URL, maybe a timeout counter and even a callback method. Also common is to implement some kind of retry (combined with a retry counter) in case of an error.

public class WWWDownload
    public WWW download;
    public string URL;
    public WWWDownload(string aURL)
        URL = aURL;
        download = new WWW(aURL);

IEnumerator Download(string[] URLs)
    List<WWWDownload> downloads = new List<WWWDownload>(URLs.Length);
    // Start the downloads
    for(int i = 0; i < URLs.Length; i++)
        downloads.Add( new WWWDownload(URLs*) );*

// wait for them to finish.
while(downloads.Count > 0)
for(int i = downloads.Length-1; i >= 0; i–)
if (downloads*.download.isDone)*
parser(, downloads*.URL);
downloads.RemoveAt(i); // The download is finished, remove it from the list.
yield return null;

No matter which approach you use you should keep in mind that most webservers don’t allow many simultaneously connections (usually only two).
It of course depends on your implementation of your “parser” method. You just asked for “generic downloads” so how to handle the returned data depends on the kind of data and for what it’s actually downloaded._

Thx very match!!:slight_smile:

It’s my solution:

public IEnumerator DownloadHistory(int num)
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    yield return StartCoroutine(Download(date));