How to download Unity 2018.3.11 to a CI Server like Travis?

Hi, I’m currently trying to set up a configuration file for a Travis OSX Build Job which builds for multiple platforms and found a myriad of tutorials and travis.yml files for older unity versions.
However, I did not find any download links or similar for 2018 other than the Unity Download Assistant.

I found this page: Unity - Manual: Installing Unity from the command line which describes how to install Unity from the command line using e.g. Unity.pkg, but it does not describe where/how to download that package (or any other) via command line.

How do I get unity to be downloaded and installed on a CI Build Slave through the command line?

If it matters, I’m on the personal subscription plan.

In our case we use this really useful package:

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Thanks a bunch, hadn’t found this through Google! It works like a charm, Unity is installed now, and I can now focus on other problems like travis not decrypting my android keystore etc :roll_eyes:

I’m glad that it helped.

Thanks to @jerome-lacoste