I’ve used Gamemaker for years, but am now new to Unity.
I’m making a 2D game where a player drags a Pokeball with the mouse.
- imported the sprite
- dragged the sprite into the scene.
- scene only has the camera and that
sprite - when I hit play, the sprite is
What script or setting would I use to drag the Pokeball with mouse?
I want the center of the sprite to be at the cursor when dragged.
In gamemaker, I used:
pokeball object:
create event:
set = 0;
Step event:
if(mouse_x>x-(sprite_width/2)&&mouse_x<x+(sprite_width/2)) //within width of sprite
if(mouse_y>y-(sprite_height/2)&&mouse_y<y+(sprite_height/2)) //within height of sprite
if(mouse_check_button_released(mb_left)){set=0; }
//drag object