how to drill the ground in 2d

I want to make underground tunnels like “escape masters” game:

how can I do this in unity ?

Probably using something like PixelSurface .

I live in a low-income situation and my country’s currency is in a bad mood… I can’t afford paying in Euros. I am desperately looking for a solution, so can u please help me by sharing some codes, examples, or links? thanks in advance.

Well it’s not easy to do efficiently. You will want to break your world up into a series of Texture2Ds, and then update those as you dig.

If you’re not wedded to doing it in Unity, you could do it for free with Mini Micro. Not the answer you were looking for, I know, but it’s the best I’ve got.

I want to make tunnels under the ground in runtime, that’s why i need to make this game in unity. can you introduce some concepts or links?

No… that does not follow. Any game development environment that supports pixel graphics will let you make tunnels under the ground in runtime. Unity is not really designed for that sort of thing, which is why you need an asset (or have to dig into some fairly complex code yourself) to do it. Mini Micro is designed for that sort of thing, and lets you make tunnels under the ground in runtime pretty easily.

But of course it’s only a suggestion.

Well I did: Texture2D. Documentation is here.

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