How to Easily Share a WebGL Demo?

I’m working on a game and would like to release a demo via WebGL. What’s the best way to share it so anyone with the link can play it? I’ve read that since a Dropbox update awhile back, they don’t allow for Unity WebGL content anymore :frowning:

My current method is putting it in my Google Drive, allowing sharing to those with link, then giving link to people and have them download the folder with the .html and release/temp folders in it, then opening the .html in Firefox. That’s a bit too much though. Any other ways to do this?



I have the same problem in the past. But hosting is cheap now.

True, how would I host it? I know next to nothing about web development :frowning:

Sign up for Amazon AWS and drop it in an s3 bucket.

For temporary sharing try, it is used for the Unity course on udemy (which deserves a shout-out for being fantastic, by the way)


Thanks! That’s actually a great site. And I might try out Udemy in the near future to learn C#.

There’s also this website, which is free to use:

You can either leave the game private, meaning only people you give a link to will be able to play it, or make it public.


Try the site that I run,! Enjoy.

Here’s a testimonial from one of our users, Robert Moran

“The concept and implementation of your site is brilliant, it’s good to see a resource that can be used to help publish first-time developers. Publishing the game was extremely easy, helped through the use of the Unity template published within the Unity Asset store.”

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I have some problems with your site , i tried to host it on Wix website
and when i use Embed code i can hear game music only , nothing shows