How to edit text

I have a 2D game with some text. After a moment I load a picture on the text. Problem is, I use GUI.Label and the text have more depth than my load picture. I could’n hide the text and show the picture, because I need both at the same time. I could set depth position (the third dimension), but I am not sure, if it is possible for GUI.Label. Is it?

I also have tried 3D Text Mesh, but there I don’t know how to set width. I don’t want it for full screen, but just for some area. Please, what should I do for solve my problem?

Let say, I have a image with a text (the text is in GUI.Label).
For example like this: GUI.Label (Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), “Label”);

And a background (the background is a texture with texture)

It can look like this: (GUI.Label and a image)

alt text

But my problem is, I need set more depth for my image (GameObject with texture)

But I don’t know, if it is possible to set depth for GUI.Label text?

Or, I can do it with a 3D Text Mesh, but I need it in a area. And I don’t know, how I can set width for 3D Text Mesh.

My two questions are?

  1. How can I set a depth for GUI.Label text?
  2. Is it possible to set width for a 3D Text Mesh?

I hope you understand me now.

You can just setup your texture in GUI Skin or Style, for examle:

public GUIStyle MyStyle;

void OnGUI () {
	GUI.Label (new Rect (0, 0, 200, 200), "Hello", MyStyle);

Then, in the inspector open MyStyle and set you own texture for normal, hover, active, etc. states.