First of all, I am asking this question because I am very new and to get some guiding ideas.
Imagine I have dozens of characters advancing towards each other and spammed constantly behind them. It has a capsule collider that covers its body and a sphere collider that determines its ranges. If a sphere collider touches a capsule collider, they will jump towards it, and if two capsule colliders collide, they will explode. Characters have 3 types, 1 2 3 lives. I got a lot of bugs and I will write. In summary, can I have your guiding recommendations for very fast ontriggerenter operations?
What you mean with “very fast” ? Ontrigger function is executed multiple times every frame, and normally, there are multiple frames in one second… so…
Now, if you want most efficient, best way is to disable all unwanted collisions in Collision Matrix setup so unity do not waste time activating OnTrigger/OnCollision function if is not necessary.