I recently updated my Unity to 5.3 and am looking to embed my first game onto my website using WebGL. I have never done this before and don’t really know where to begin. In my research I have seen people say to place it in dropbox, but I don’t see how that helps embed it on to my website for people to see and play.
If anyone could me out with this, I would be extremely grateful. Thank you.
Check out this tutorial I made here. It shows how to use free hosting from Google. It is not Google Drive! That method does not work anymore. This is the modern way to host your games. I hope you find this helpful.
I just recently built for WebGL. it basically spits out a bunch of stuff with a leading index.html. I think if you put it on an apache or something similar that supports web GL, you can just put it onto the host.
Put your entire build folder to your website (it is default). I’m not web developer but I was able to put folder to our website with filezilla. My teammate helped me to get access ftp of our site. If you know FTP it is very easy.
Your url is your website name if you put build folder directly to main folder in website. For example www.cgraf1.com. It launch index.html file. And you are done
Or if you created custom folder in main folder and build folder in this folder your url be like: www.cgraf1.com/myfolder/