I have an hdrp scene with a plane and two spheres. One sphere and the plane are Static objects, the other sphere is dynamic. I’m trying to get light to bounce off of the plane and onto the spheres. My Lightmapper is progressive GPU and set to Auto Generate. After the light generates it doesn not appear to have any bounce lights. I also tried to add a Light Probe Group and a Reflection Probe and that doesnt help. There must be a settting I’m missing.
Thoughts? Thanks.
You’ll need to bake indirect lighting in PLM, then add some light probes. You have both realtime and baked enabled, you should probably just have one of them (baked is best as enlighten is deprecated).
Finally, your light will need an Indirect Multiplier above 0.
Sometimes you probably want to press play or something in case HDRP is being a bit weird. You should probably specify unity version and HDRP version as well, just in case.
Will move this thread to the GI forum.