How-to: Event Manager

The new Event Manager replaces Event Watcher. You can still see your Analysis Point usage, but can also disable custom events you no longer need, and even mark some events for raw data “Export Only”.

As you know, every custom event you send costs you points out of your Analysis Point budget. With the new Event Manager tool, we give you the ability to manage that budget, turning off processing when you no longer need it. If you have Raw Data Export enabled for your project, you can choose “Export Only”, which sends the event to raw data without costing you any Analysis Points.

Let’s show you how you can set up events.

Go to Event Manager on your dashboard.

Note the Data Processing Limits bar on the top of the page; this bar shows you the total allowance of analysis points you have, as well as the number of points your enabled custom events will cost.

Scroll down to see your list of Custom Events.

Actual Points shows how many analysis points are used by the current settings

Potential Points shows how much the event would cost if it were enabled. For example, the ‘buy’ event above has the potential to cost 12 points, but since it’s disabled, the Actual Points reads 0.

You can click on each event to expand it and see its parameters.

For parameters of type ‘string’, you can click View values to see individual parameter values.

For each event, you can select:

Enabled – The event is processed. It costs Analysis Points and can be used to feed the Data Explorer, Funnels and Custom Segments. Enabled Events are also forwarded to raw data when available.

Export Only – The event is forwarded to raw data. It costs 0 Analysis Points and will not be available in the Data Explorer, Funnels or Custom Segments. This is a great option for heatmap events, which aren’t particularly useful when processed, but MUST have Export enabled to be retrieved by the Heatmapper.

Disabled – Prevent the event from being processed or exported. It costs 0 Analysis Points and will not be available for any type of use.

Make sure to click the Save button on top to save your work. NOTE: Unsaved options will be gray, and will change to teal after being saved. When there are unsaved options, the Save button will be orange. When everything is saved, it will be gray.

The Enabled option costs Analysis Points, but Export Only does not, why should I pick Enabled?
Enabled events are processed. You can view custom events in the Data Explorer, Funnels and Segments. The Export Only option does not process the data.

What happens when I exceed my Analysis Points?
If you exceed your Analysis Points, contact us. Usually, the problem can be corrected by better event management, but we’re willing to look at your case if you think your budget hould be increased.

Can I buy more Analysis Points?
Not at present. Contact us and let’s talk.

How do I get access to raw data export?
To get access to raw data export, sign up for heatmaps here:

HELP! I accidentally hit Disabled for a custom event – what do I do now?
Change it back to the correct option you want and save. It may take another data processing cycle to update. If that happens, you will see a gap of no data from when the Disabled option took effect to when you switched it back.

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How do I add another event?

Hi @thedrhax14_1

Events in the manager (and elsewhere on the dashboard) are the result of what you send from your app. So just send more events to us. :slight_smile:

And how do we delete an Event entirely? I stupidly misspelt one of the parameters and would like to delete the event and have it start next cycle.


Currently we don’t offer a way to delete an event entirely. However for the most part disabling an event in essence does what delete would. It removes it historically from the Data Explorer, stops processing on any new events we receive, and removes it from the analysis point count. The only thing it doesn’t do at the moment is remove the events from the new Raw Data Export, or from the Event Manager itself.

I’ve added some custom events to my app, but i can see only the first two of them in the Event Manager.
However, I can see all data in the Advanced Integration Tab’s validation form.
What am I doing wrong?

P.S. I’m using Personal subscription

Hi @discsoft ,

Events don’t show up in the Event Manager until the end of the processing cycle in which the events are being processed. Did you send the ones you’re not seeing at the same time as those you are seeing? If they were sent a little bit later, it’s possible the first few got caught in one processing cycle and the others got picked up in the next processing cycle. My guess is if they’re showing up in the Validator then they’re probably all correct and just need a little more time to finish going through processing. How long has it been since you sent the events?

Hi @erika_d ,
Yes, you were right! All events are appeared in Analytics this morning, after two days of processing cycle.
Sorry for bothering you.
Thank you very much for prompt feedback!


I think the delete event is still very useful.

In development we have created a bunch of unused/typo-ed events which I am sure won’t use them any more and simply don’t want them appear in Event Manager at all…

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Hi @SweatyChair ,

I believe one of the reasons we don’t let events be entirely deleted is that currently this can cause naming conflicts in our processing. But if you want us to keep an eye to changing this, I would suggest posting it as an idea on our feedback page, which we use to keep track of popular requests:✓&view=hottest

It is possible to sort events by enabled/disabled in the event manager table by clicking on the status header, this would at least put your disabled events toward the bottom of the list…

Hi @erika_d

I have a problem that how to retrieve data in my event manager in Unity? I want to record player death positions using custom events and display the result in Unity editor. Is there a way to do that?

@handazh2 we offer an API called Heatmaps to Pro users that allow you to send player locations and have them display your Unity Editor. Here’s a link to the docs so you can find out more!

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Hi @kevinatgame ,

I believe this was the part of that quote that was your suggestion?

If so, are you thinking something like the way you can Hide groups of projects on the Analytics project list page? Could you add this as an idea to the feedback page? We use this page to keep track of suggestions and to determine which requests are the most popular during project planning. Thanks!

Hi, I’m having some trouble adding an event to the event manager. I have a custom event set up like this in my javascript:

var params = new Dictionary.<String, Object>();
params.Add(“level”, lvl);
UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics.CustomEvent(“LevelLoad”, params);

And in the Custum Events walk-through (in the Advanced Integration section), it validates this almost instantly, but it doesn’t show up at all in the Event Manager. discsoft stated above that it took about two days of processing for their custom events to appear in the manager, but this seems like a long time considering how fast the other page received the data. Is there anything I’m missing?

Hi @mrlafle !

Some parts of the dashboard update at different speeds than others. The validator is designed to be nearly instantaneous, but the event manager (like many features) updates in cycles which currently take 4-8 hours. If you see the events in the validator, they’ll be available to the rest of the dashboard in about that timeframe.

Thanks @marc_tanenbaum , I’m already seeing some older events that I validated a few hours ago in the manager. I’ll just disable those and wait for the most recent one to process. Thanks again!

EDIT: One more question… if I call a custom event with the same name in two different scripts, does it count as one event in the manager?

As long as the format of the event is the same, they will be treated as the same event.