Hi raabaa,
I think the solution depends on what you are trying to do. Do I understand it correctly that you want your object after collision to 1) stop interacting 2) fade out over a time and 3) expand over time?
If this is the case, animating is certainly a possibility (but I am a programmer, so I prefer code ), but I don’t know how to do it with a particle system.
Doing it with animation you just add an Animation (which is not the same as an Animator) component, create a new AnimationClip, add the properties Transform.scale, and Renderer.material.color (your material will need to be Fade type!), then at the final key position set the size (for all 3 components separately!) and the final color value. Then you have to play this animation from code in your collision detection, usually it is as easy as animator.Play()
or animator.Play("<name of your animation>");
With code it is a bit simpler (for me): you declare variables for your transition duration and final size, then start a Coroutine that uses lerp:
[SerializeField] private float fadeOutDuration = 1f; // fades out in 1 second
[SerializeField] private float fadeOutSizeMultiplier = 2f; // doubles the size by the end
// call this when you want to expand-fade
private HandleCollision() {
ownCollider.enabled = false; // disable your Collider to disable interaction with world; I assume you get it in Awake()
ownRigidbody.isKinematic = true; // "disable" Rigidbody as well; again, get it in Awake()
private IEnumerator FadeOutExpand() {
// store original color and scale to be able to correctly scale
Color originalColor = ownRenderer.material.color; // I assume you get ownRenderer in Awake()
Vector3 originalScale = transform.scale;
float t = 0;
while (t < fadeOutDuration) {
SetAlphaAndScale(originalColor, originalScale, t / fadeOutDuration); // passes value between 0 and 1
yield return null;
t += Time.deltaTime;
SetAlphaAndScale(1); // make sure you get the correct final size and color even with imprecise floating point and time
private void SetAlphaAndScale (Color originalColor, Vector3 originalScale, float t) {
ownRenderer.material.color = new Color(originalColor.r, originalColor.g, originalColor.b, Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, t)); // assign a new color with decreasing alpha
transform.scale = orignalScale * Mathf.Lerp(1, fadeOutSizeMultiplier, t); // scale relative to original size
Additionally, you might want to look into different interpolations, like Sinerp() and Hermite() which create smoother transitions at the end - see the extremely useful Mathfx from Unity Wiki!
(Btw, I feel honored for being personally called to help )