How to find a Child Gameobject by name?

Hi, how can i find a second child of a gameobject by name?

this is the part of the code:

    function Update (){

	var ray : Ray = playerCamera.ViewportPointToRay (Vector3(0.5,0.5,0));
	var hit : RaycastHit;

	if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit, distanceDetection)){

		if( == "Bone"){

			target = true;

		} else {

			target = false;	

	} else {

		target = false;

I need to find the child of a child gameobject named “Bone”, but i cant find it this way.

You can specify the path name to find a “grandchild”, like in the Transform.Find example:

  aFinger = transform.Find("LeftShoulder/Arm/Hand/Finger");

But if you have more than one child with the same name, you can iterate through all children comparing the names or tags:

  for (var child in transform){
      if ( == "Bone"){
          // the code here is called 
          // for each child named Bone

In your code, you could also use the child found to search in its own children:

   if ( == "Bone"){
       target = true;
       var boneChild = hit.transform.Find("Bone");
       if (boneChild){
           // bone child found
   } else {

Here’s a little function I just cooked up that might come in handy…

 static public GameObject getChildGameObject(GameObject fromGameObject, string withName) {
		//Author: Isaac Dart, June-13.
		Transform[] ts = fromGameObject.transform.GetComponentsInChildren();
		foreach (Transform t in ts) if ( == withName) return t.gameObject;
        return null;

internal static Transform FindChildByRecursion(this Transform aParent, string aName)
if (aParent == null) return null;
var result = aParent.Find(aName);
if (result != null)
return result;
foreach (Transform child in aParent)
result = child.FindChildByRecursion(aName);
if (result != null)
return result;
return null;

Know this is old – but still a useful question… here’s a solution based on some of the responses - but with a couple corrections / enhancements…

public GameObject GetChildGameObject(GameObject fromGameObject, string withName)
    var allKids = fromGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
    var kid = allKids.FirstOrDefault(k => == withName);
    if (kid == null) return null;
    return kid.gameObject;

List childrens = new List();
int count = 0;

while (count < gameObject.transform.childCount)

UnityEngine.GameObject.Find(“name”) finds any gameobject by name. Just make your child have a unique name please! But remember: It’s computationally intensive.

Using Linq:

var allKids = GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>()
var kid = allKids.Where(k => == name).FirstOrDefault();