Hi I have a gameObject variable and I have a gameObject array how do I find what nimber the gameObject is an the array?
var objectArray : GameObject[];
var object : GameObject;
function Start(){
//find the objects number in the array
Hi I have a gameObject variable and I have a gameObject array how do I find what nimber the gameObject is an the array?
var objectArray : GameObject[];
var object : GameObject;
function Start(){
//find the objects number in the array
I would personally do something like this.
int i;
int MyNumber;
i = -69;
for(i=0; i<objectArray.length;i++)
if(objectArray *== object)*
MyNumber = i;
if ( i == -69 ) Debug.Log(“ALERT. TOTAL FAILURE.”);
else Debug.Log("the matching item is index number " +i);
This is in C# but should not be to hard to convert it Ofc there is probably a better way