Not sure if we have a thread related to the same, sorry if it is. So im trying to read a render texture’s colors and getting an average color using CPU and its quite expensive if we try implementing every frame. So i tried to do it with a compute shader and im new to shader programming.
This is my c# code without a proper shader implementation or dispatch (please ignore the shader code)
VideoPlayer videoPlayer;
RenderTexture _videoRenderTex;
Texture2D _tempTexture;
public RenderTexture _tempRend;
public ComputeShader _averageColorCS;
public int downScaleRatio = 8;
Color color;
private Material _projectorMat;
private void Awake()
videoPlayer = GetComponent();
_videoRenderTex = videoPlayer.targetTexture;
_tempRend = new RenderTexture(256/ downScaleRatio, 256 / downScaleRatio, 24);
AverageColor color = new AverageColor();
// InvokeRepeating(nameof(DebugColor), 0, 1);
//for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
// int index = r.Next(0, colors.Count);
// AddInitialCluster(colors[index]);
public void DebugColor()
//_tempTexture = toTexture2D(_videoRenderTex);
_videoRenderTex.enableRandomWrite = true;
Graphics.Blit(_videoRenderTex, _tempRend);
int ColorSize = sizeof(float) * 4;
ComputeBuffer colorBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, ColorSize);
_averageColorCS.SetTexture(0, “Result”, _tempRend);
_averageColorCS.SetFloat(“Resolution”, _tempRend.width);
_averageColorCS.Dispatch(0, _tempRend.width / 8, _tempRend.height / 8, 1);
Vector3 _color = GetSourceData();
color = new Color(_color.x,_color.y,_color.z);
Texture2D toTexture2D(RenderTexture rTex)
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(videoRenderTex.width / downScaleRatio, videoRenderTex.height / downScaleRatio, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
// ReadPixels looks at the active RenderTexture.
RenderTexture.active = rTex;
tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, rTex.width, rTex.height), 0, 0);
return tex;
private Vector3 GetSourceData()
Color32[ ] texColors = tempTexture.GetPixels32();
int total = texColors.Length;
float r = 0;
float g = 0;
float b = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
r += texColors*.r;*
g += texColors*.g;*
b += texColors*.b;*
color = new Color32((byte)(r / total), (byte)(g / total), (byte)(b / total), 0);
return new Vector3(color.r, color.g, color.b);
private void SetColor()
_projectorMat.color = color;
private void Update()
Can anyone help me setup this compute shader and im pretty sure i have the logic implemented but couldnt translate to shader. Any help is much appreciated._