How to find gameobjects with a tag that were loaded with an assetbundle

Hello everyone!

I have loaded assetbundles. Every assetbundle includes some gameobjects, all of them tagged with activeAssetBundle. Now when I load an assetbundle I would like to get an array of all the objects. That way I can build a menu where the user can choose which object to spawn.

This is the coding where I load the assetbundle and test if it worked. If it worked I spawn the object and try to get all objects with FindGameObjectWIthTag. Still the array is empty:

    public void loadBundle()
        sLoadBundle = GameObject.Find("LoadBundle").GetComponent<LoadBundle>(); //Get Script from empty
        if (path == null)  //ist pfad befüllt?
            Debug.Log("path variable in Button to load ab1 is not set");
            status = sLoadBundle.loadAssetBundle(path, out loadedAssetBundle);  //Aufruf Funktion in Empty zum Laden der AB
            if (status == false)  //hat nicht funktioniert
                Debug.Log("Can not load AB1 with path " + path);
            else  //hat funktioniert
                Debug.Log("Success with path " + path);
                var prefab = loadedAssetBundle.LoadAsset("Cube");
                get3DObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag('activeAssetBundle');


This setup with get3DObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag('activeAssetBundle'); leaves me with no results though. The Cube from the assetbundle spawned but it has lost its tag… Any help is very appreciated, thanks.

All right… problem was profane… I had to redo building the bundles since the tags were added later.