If an array contains positions of a path then how to find total distance of the path
@shivanshsaini17 Use [Vector3.Distance][1] for finding distance between two points.
Use can try this code snippet:
public Transform []path;
float pathDistance;
void CalculatePathDistance()
for (int i = 0; i < path.Length - 1; i++)
pathDistance += Vector3.Distance(path*.position, path[i + 1].position);*
Off the top of my head, I would do something likeā¦
float distanceTotal = 0;
int index = 1;
Transform startPosition = arrayPositions[0].transform;
foreach(position in arrayPositions)
distanceTotal = (arrayPosition[index].transform.position + position);
index += 1;
distanceTotal = distanceTotal - startPosiiton.position;
the exact coding, of course, would be more . . . thought out? but that should give you a starting point.