How to fix a cropped beam of light from Light?

For a Mesh that is created manually using this method:

public static Mesh CreateMesh(List<Vector3> vectors, List<int> indexes)
	return new()
		vertices = vectors.ToArray(),
		triangles = indexes.ToArray()

public static bool ReadOFF(string offFilePath, out List<Vector3> vertices, out List<int> triangles)
	// 1. Чтение файла OFF
	vertices = new();
	triangles = new();

	if (!File.Exists(offFilePath))
		return false;
	var strs = File.ReadAllLines(offFilePath);

	// Чтение количества вершин и треугольников
	string[] counts = strs[1].Split();
	int vertexCount = int.Parse(counts[0]);
	int faceCount = int.Parse(counts[1]);

	// Чтение координат вершин
	for (int i = 3; i < 3 + vertexCount; i++)
		string[] vertexData = strs[i].Split(' ');
		float x = float.Parse(vertexData[0]);
		float y = float.Parse(vertexData[1]);
		float z = float.Parse(vertexData[2]);
		vertices.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z));

	// Чтение треугольников (граней)
	for (int i = 3 + vertexCount; i < 3 + vertexCount + faceCount; i++)
		string[] faceData = strs[i].Split("  ")[1].Split(' ');
		if (faceData.Length == 3)  // Треугольная грань

	return vertices.Count >= 3;

It is cropped, as if lighting is displayed on one side.

How can I fix this? Thanks!

Other code:

private UIDocument doc;

void OnEnable()
	Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");

	obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);
	meshFilter = obj.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();

	// Получаем корень UI
	doc = GetComponent<UIDocument>();
	var root = doc.rootVisualElement;

	// Находим кнопку по имени
	btnLoad = root.Q<Button>(nameof(btnLoad));
	btnLoad.clicked += OnButtonClicked;
private GameObject obj;
private MeshFilter meshFilter;

[SerializeField] private GameObject prefab;
private Button btnLoad;

void OnButtonClicked()
	ReadOFF(@"C:\Users\Public\ankofl\Data\Volumes\", out var vectors, out var indexes);

	meshFilter.mesh = CreateMesh(vectors, indexes);

It’s resolved!

It was necessary to add:



public static Mesh CreateMesh(List<Vector3> vectors, List<int> indexes)
	Mesh mesh = new()
		vertices = vectors.ToArray(),
		triangles = indexes.ToArray()
	return mesh;