how to fix fmod not recognizing events in unity 2021.3.9f1 with fmod 2.02
First of all let me thank you in advance for your kindness and for your support.
I am currently using:
- unity 2021.3.9f1 with fmod 2.02
I am have:
- imported fmod from unity assset store
- I also tried to import it from the package in fmod website
none of this worked
here’s what i did:
- I grabbed a couple mp3 files containing a cyclic structure of tracks of action music
- i created an event in fmod and i imported my assets
I have then:
- located the FMOD file project in Unity menu
- I added in all the dll files contained in my fmod plugins library from the desktop application into the unity project
i used the following precedure afterwards:
- imported a game scene from the unity asset store containing an fps free sequence
- I added in a couple an FMOD Unity listener to my camera
- i added in an FMOD Unity Bank Importer
- I added in an FMOD Event Importer
I tried then to:
- loaded the master bank
- loaded the events of FMOD into unity
- the events were not recognized, because they simply didn’t show up in the menu
any possible feedback would be more then welcome
vielen danke/thank you so much