How to fix hard border with light?

Hello top-men, I found my wall has some hard border when I put lights into scene:

This walls are have same materials (actually they are same prefab.

How can I fix this problem?



Please share any graphics settings you use.
And does it change if you change the lights range?

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Thanks for your reply~!

I found the pipline has some errors, after I fixed it, It seems to be a little better, but if you look closely there still seems to be some hard edges.

Your Rendering Path is set to Forward. Forward rendering has a per-object limit for the number of real-time lights that can affect GameObjects - typically 9 (1 main light, and 8 additional lights) at max. If you hit the limit, it starts to disable lights that are out of view but doesn’t account for the spread of the light - resulting in such visual oddities.

If you can, switch the rendering path to Forward+. Using Deferred could also be an option. If not possible, just try changing Main Light and Additional Lights in your URP Asset to Per Pixel and see if that helps.

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Thanks so much for your help, I will try this out as soon as I get home!