How to fix Unity 5 Mesh Collider Convex Problems?

This is what is happening to my imported FBX file:

The problem is that I want to collide with this pipe, but I end up colliding with it even when I haven’t touched the actual pipe. I tried finding some solutions online but nothing really helped. Obviously it’s because the convex is messed up, but I’m kind of a beginner with all this stuff so I’m not really sure how to fix it. Does anyone know any possible solutions? By the way, I created the pipe using Blender.


I don’t see how “the convex is messed up”. If the collider that should collide with the pipe is convex, then teh pipe’s collider doesn’t have to be convex. Only one collider needs to be convex for a collision to register. Apart from that, you can always use compound colliders. Attach multiple collider components to the pipe and position, scale and rotate them so they approximate the shape of the pipe. These can be convex.