How to fix Unity 5 Mesh Collider Convex Problems?

I need to set a trigger on this custom object I made in blender for my game to work. The issue is that I have to make the mesh collider convex in order too add a trigger to the object. This changes the hit box of the object which isn’t an option for me. I tried adding multiple box colliders and reshaped them, but there’s no option for rotating them. So I can’t fit them to the shape. I’m stuck and have no clue what to do… Can anyone help?

@xLerial Hey there, i’m not super in the know on this but i know a few solutions:

  1. you can create smaller mesh segments, and add a convex mesh collider to them, individually acting as triggers

Easier Option:
2. you can create a few boxes, arrange them how you like, turn off their mesh renderers, and place them as children to your desired object, they act as the physics components while your mesh just sits there looking pretty

Hope that helps!