If Unity NetCode and Havok are installed then Kinematica gives these errors, how can this be fixed. They do not want to work together in any way, I can install either one Kinematica or Havok + NetCode, but I need all these packages to be in my project.
@NothingMeans Just wondering if you have gotten any responses from the Kinematica dev team on your issue.
I am having trouble getting a character with a Mixamo rig to work.
I changed the names of the bones to match the Kinematica/Biped rig and then got the animations to play on my character but it is badly deformed.
I have posted to the Kinematica blog … https://forum.unity.com/threads/unite-now-kinematica-democratizing-motion-matching-for-character-animation.878761/page-3#post-6222657 … but gotten no response on this.
I see only you, myself and one other person posting here and wondering if you have had any feedback or learned how to resolve your issue as I am getting no responses myself.