How to force a piece of navmesh?

I have a small platform that I want to be included in my navmesh. My platform seems to be too small for navmesh to recognize it. It’s a square significantly larger than my agent. (1.5 x 1.5 and my agent is radius 0.205)

I tried reducing “Override Voxel Size” to the lowest allowed value in NavMeshSurface (0.01) and my plaform is still not recognized.

Adding an NavMeshModifier to my platform didn’t make a difference.

Duplicating my platform and moving it away from a wall got navmesh to generate on top of it.

I think the reason is hinted by the Tile Size documentation:

The NavMesh is built in square tiles … It also helps to make the carving changes more local.

So probably, if my platform is crossing the edge of one of these tiles, then it’s seen as multiple smaller surfaces and non are big enough to receive navmesh.

After dropping Override Tile Size down to 16, navmesh appears on my platform even when placed against the wall! Seems like this may cause problems if I do runtime generation and I’ll need to optimize by adding multiple NavMeshSurface – one with normal settings and one with fine-grained settings for my problematic platforms.