To be more precise:
I’m using dissolve shader that makes use of noise/fractal texture.
Problem is that when I use it I got visible seams since noise texture don’t share the same UV (noise texture is classic rectangle with noise).
Is there a way to generate noise texture for a particular mesh ?
If your UVs have seams, your noise will too if you are using the UVs to sample the noise texture. You could generate noise at each vertex and make it a vertex color, generate noise in a vertex/pixel shader, or use triplanar texture sampling.
Triplenar was an option I was reconsidering.
But problem is with the skinned mesh, I need it especially for skinned mesh.
The best solution would be to somehow be able to generate noise directly on a model with usage of model UVs, it does not have to be at runtime.
The solution then would be to use a secondary set of UVs that don’t have seams. Unless there is some magic out there I’m not considering (certainly possible), if you have seams in your UVs you will have seams in your resulting texture samples.
I see we do not understand each other. Unwrapped UV with albedo/NM textures don’t have a seams since texture is made for this UV layout.
Now I have got some noise (perlin noise kind of texture) on a rectangular texture (u can put this texture on a cube for example)
So this noise texture with model UVs will have a seams in some places.