So I am using the built in IK system with a humanoid model. I have an idle animation playing, and override the hand to point to the player with:
animator.SetIKPositionWeight(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, 1);
animator.SetIKPosition(AvatarIKGoal.RightHand, MyEnemy.transform.position);
Now that works fine until it comes time for me to figure out the position of the hand. I use RightHandBone.position to get the position of the bone, where RightHandBone is a public transform set in editor to the hand bone. The problem is this returns the position of the hand before the IK, as if it was still in the idle animation position.
The same thing happens if I create a new object and parent it to the hand and get the new objects position. Still returns the position of where the hand would be if it was not being effected by IK.
How can I get the real position of the hand?