How to get a rice paper effect for a texture

Hi, I’m trying to achieve a rice paper effect for the pause menu of my game for mobile. I have searched, but the closest thing I have found is a simple blur but it only works on Unity Pro. Is there a way to get this effect? and is it posible without Unity Pro??

In my case there wont be nothing moving behind the texture and would only need to be calculated once every time the player pauses the game.

Something like this:


If you are using Unity Pro, it will be easy. You can render the background to a RenderTexture and use it into the panel with with a blurring shader. Or you can even use shader that grab rendered image so that you don’t have to use RenderTexture.

Unity Indie is quite limited, but not impossible to do what you want. There is a function call Texture2D.ReadPixels(), which can read the image from view and save it into a Texture2D. However it’s painfully slow comparing with RenderTexture. If you are developing a mobile app, it may have an obvious lag when you grab the image.