What I am trying to do is to get the the AI to throw a grenade over an obstacle to its target. What I have so far is just having the AI throw a grenade at the target which works fine but I have no idea how to get it to think about the obstacles that are in the way like in the picture shown below. I want A to notice there is a wall in the middle and throw the object over it to be.
Vector2 diff = target.position - this.character.transform.position;
Vector2 grenadeVel = new Vector2();
grenadeVel.x = diff.x / grendadeDetonationTime ;
grenadeVel.y = (diff.y - 0.5f * worldGravity.y * grendadeDetonationTime * grendadeDetonationTime ) / grendadeDetonationTime ;
World.Instance.WeaponManager.Grenade.Throw(this.character, grenadeVel);
Im not really asking for code (although it would be great), what I want is some advice/ tips on how to implement this and what the logic might be like. Currently my game world is in 2D and it has a grid which I use for path finding with the A* algorithm, is it possible to do what I want using a world grid to create an arch over obstacles?