How to get an animator parameter's ID given an AnimatorControllerParameter

I have reference to an AnimatorControllerParameter, and wish to access its ID.
How would that be done?

I want to do something like this, where is the parameter ID I want to get:

foreach( AnimatorControllerParameter p in animator.parameters )
if( p.type == AnimatorControllerParameterType.Trigger )
//I'm trying to avoid using animator.ResetTrigger(; for performance reasons

I know you could get a parameter ID using a parameter’s name Animator.StringToHash(, but that defeats the purpose to improving performance


Just found AnimatorControllerParameter.nameHash in the API. Is that the same as a parameter’s ID? All that the documentation says is that it

Returns the hash of the parameter based on its name

Does nameHash go through the same process as Animator.StringToHash( then?)