How to get an Arc movement

Hello. Could someone help me with Vector3.Slerp?

I’m trying to use Slerp to get an arc movement from point A to point B. Like in this image ( Imgur: The magic of the Internet ) but it basically works almost like lerp and it get up a bit on the first movement and then the vertical movement get smaller and smaller every interpolation.

transform.position = Vector3.Slerp (myInitialPos, myNextPos, perc);

In this case Slerp would work like Lerp. The y-value is the same in both the start and end positions, so there’s nothing to interpolate. If you want it to move in an arc, you’ve got to at least give the interpolation a middle-point that is raised so it has something to interpolate.

However, I don’t think you actually want interpolation. It’s definitely not the best solution to get that effect. Think back to basic trigonometry and try to write a function that would give you that curve programatically. Personally, I would start with a Sin wave.