Quaternion.Angle(target.rotation,initil_rotation) is returning the angle rotated but without sign … Wether i go clickwise or anti… Its just giving +ve value
How can i get angle with sign.
Quaternion.Angle(target.rotation,initil_rotation) is returning the angle rotated but without sign … Wether i go clickwise or anti… Its just giving +ve value
How can i get angle with sign.
There’s thousands of hits on this on the googles. Like this one.
Nopes… Its not my case…
In my case…
I want when my spherical object rotates (along y ) camera has to rotate around it so that it always shows ,sphere back side…
I think i have to use … Transform.rotatearound …
You don’t have to end every sentence with elipses. Commas and single periods are allowed.
If you want a camera to rotate with a sphere, just set it as that sphere’s child.
Is there anyway to know the absolute angle of rotation.
I.e between 0-360?