how to get blend tree hash code for state driven camera?

I’m practicing state drive camera, but I don’t know how to get hash code from blend tree.

Here is my situation.
I’m using “starter Assets - Third Person Character Controller

There is Base Layer in Animator,
so I could get hash code from Base Layer.InAir and Idle Walk Run Blend.

//this code can have hash code
            = Animator.StringToHash("Base Layer.InAir");

            = Animator.StringToHash("Base Layer.Idle Walk Run Blend");

But I want get hash code for “Idle” in Base Layer >> Idle Walk Run Blend in Blend Tree.
And this code is not working.

//not work
            = Animator.StringToHash("Base Layer.Idle Walk Run Blend.Idle");

How do I get hash code animation in blend tree?
I attached screen shot about animator (starter assets pkg).

Why don’t you set this up in the inspector? It’s strange to be trying to do this in script.
You can look at the code in CinemachineStateDrivenCameraEditor.cs to see how it gets the hash codes.

I was just wondering, now I know that’s the weird thing to be trying in script.

Anyway, Thank you, I can Find CinemachineStateDrivenCamera.cs.
But I don’t know where CinemachineStateDrivenCameraEditor.cs is.

Could I know where is it?


Thank you so much, Have a good day!