How to get camera preview to work in Unity 6?

I am very new to Unity and am having trouble getting the camera preview to work. Does anybody know why the preview window is blank for me (see attached image)?

I select the main camera and enable the preview popup but it is blank. I tested with an eariler version of Unity (2022.3) and it works fine in that version but not with ver 6.

Unity ver 6000.0.36f1
Windows 10

Thanks for any replies


That kinda spells it out. :wink:

Looks like your GPU is in some sort of compatibility mode because it’s too old to even support DX11. At a minimum, check if you have a graphics driver update available and if so, install that.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that you never actually installed a graphics driver to begin with, so that Windows’ default driver is used which is super-limited in features and functionality and may force your GPU to only handle DX10 when it actually does support DX11+. Because DX11 came out 2009 and by 10 years ago every GPU supported it natively.