I’m sorry for the amateurish question, but all the tutorials i’ve searched for use RigidBody2d for movement at some point, yet i don’t want a rigidbody in my character because it doesn’t need gravity to act in it. I know i could just put a rigidbody into it and set the gravity to 0, but i’m pretty sure it can be done with the box collider, so i wanted to learn how to do it.
A rigidbody doesn’t just allow your object to be effected by gravity. A rigidbody allows your object to be effected by Unity’s built-in physics engine. If you don’t want to use a rigidbody to move your object, you can use Transform.translate(). There are other built-in “moving” functions as well: you can find them in the documentation.
You should always have rigidbody on every moving object. Not having one will result in poor performance. If you don’t want physics then you can set Body type to Kinematic. Then you can move it by using Transform.Translate