how to get current gameObject animator triggers?

Hey I’m making a simple number game, I have created a prefab object with the a number at it’s animations and saved it as a prefab, I have two triggers:

  • taped
  • untaped

However when I created the next prefab for other number (with the same triggers) somehow they are all getting called. I have two scripts:

Number Script:

#pragma strict

private var anim:Animator;
private var tapped:boolean = false;

var value:int;

function Start () {
	anim = GetComponent("Animator") as Animator;

function Update () {

function tap() {
  if(!tapped) {
    tapped = true;
  } else {
    tapped = false;

and my InputHandler script:

#pragma strict
private var numberScript:numberScript;

function Start () {
	numberScript = gameObject.GetComponent("numberScript");
	Debug.Log("I'm atached to a numberScript with value: " + numberScript.value);

function Update () {
    var mousePosition : Vector2 = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
    var hitCollider : Collider2D = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(mousePosition);
    Debug.Log("mouse pos "+mousePosition.x+" y "+mousePosition.y+" ");  
      Debug.Log("Hit " + + " x " + hitCollider.transform.position.x + " y " + hitCollider.transform.position.y);  

Any ideas what might be happening?

I think You should be addressing only the script on the tapped object like this (line 16)


instead of this
